TDS Corporate Safety Statement
Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc. (TDS) strives for the highest safety standards on our projects. Safety does not occur by chance. It is the result of careful attention to all company operations by those who are directly and indirectly involved. Employees at all levels must work diligently to excuse the company's policy of maintaining occupational safety and health.
TDS's safety program is designed to preserve one of the most important assets we have, our employees. We will comply with the standards of all applicable regulatory agencies, site specific safety, or the safety of our sub-contractors, whichever is mos stringent. It is the obligation of each employee to use safe work practices and to insist that all other employees on the job do likewise.
A primary responsibility of all levels of our organization is regard for the safety of the public, our customers, our own employees and the employees of our subcontractors. Our intent is to prevent any human suffering. Accidents, even minor ones, cause pain, both physical and mental. Prevention of injury and illness is a goal worthy of our best efforts.
A safe operation is organized, clean and efficient. If we view safety in the same way we consider all other aspects of our operations, we will be in a better position not only to control accidents, but also to improve the total performance of our company. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that all aspects of TDS's safety program be strictly adhered to and that the intent of this program be followed to the letter. Any recommendations to improve TDS's safety program are encouraged. Violations of the safety policy will be corrected, and training conducted when applicable. Blatant violations where safety is ignored will be reprimanded up to and including termination.
Safety must be a daily concern of each person, along with productivity, quality, cost control, morale, etc. Circumstances will sometimes require a decision on which of these factors have priority. When such decisions must be made, in which case, SAFETY IS FIRST.