This GE medium steam turbine-generator unit was originally installed in 1957 as a 12.5 MW, 3600 rpm, condensing unit with auto extraction and initial steam conditions of 575 psig, 825F, 2" Hg, Abs. back pressure.
In 1989, mechanical modification were made to the turbine that allowed it to produce 15.5 MW.
In 1995, the generator stator and field were rewound. The rewinds and control modifications pushed the units capability to approximately 21.5 MW. (Nameplate of 21 MW.) The rotor and all the diaphragms except stages 3 through 8 were grit blasted and NDE inspected during the removal and lay up of this equipment. No major concerns were revealed from those inspections.
It is believed the condenser had new water boxes installed in 1995. This is a dump condenser that can take 60,00 lbs. /hr. of steam at 300F.
This offering includes the supply of all the original turbine generator installations prints, drawings, manuals and reports that are available. It is believed that the original construction drawings are complete and sufficient to re-create the original turbine building and foundation.
This unit will receive system upgrades relative to the end user's needs and customer's direction. Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc. (TDS) offers this unit with the TurboNet DASH 1® control system.
It should be noted that TDS recently completed a unit installation almost identical to this unit where TDS's role was to procure, inspect, refurbish, upgrade, install and commission. This was done, as proposed, and on time. The unit was brought on-line with no issue.
Please contact us at (727)375-8700, extension 1228 for pricing and additional information.