Control System Upgrades

The TurboNet DASH 2® is an advanced, scalable Digital Control System (DCS) designed by Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc. (TDS) to provide precise control and monitoring for gas and steam turbine generators of all sizes and configurations.

TurboNet DASH 2® is fully expandable, allowing it to control all turbine generator functions, as well as Balance of Plant (BOP) systems, when required. The system is equipped for real-time status monitoring, alarm functions, and advanced diagnostics and can be further enhanced with additional features such as:

  • Historian Capabilities

  • Engineering Work Station (EWS) Features

  • Gas Turbine Upgrades

  • Steam Turbine Upgrades

  • Safety Features

These options can be installed during initial setup or added later based on customer needs. Click the buttons above for additional details.

The TurboNet DASH 2® system is a fully customizable, open-platform DCS that adapts to various I/O configurations and operational requirements.

TurboNet DASH 2® has been successfully implemented for turbines from various Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). It is designed to support a wide range of turbine applications, including:

  • Two- and three-shaft machines
  • Simple and combined cycle turbines
  • Black start machines
  • Turbines operating on gas or liquid fuel combustion (with or without water/steam injection for NOx control)

A Partial Installation Experience Listing is available on our website. Please contact Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc. for our full Installation Experience Listing.