Contact Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc. (TDS) for a demo of our TurboNet DASH 1®system. Our headquarters are located in Odessa, Florida. We invite you to schedule a visit, review available installation options or to discuss design features in detail with us. To do any of these or to request a TurboNetDASH 1®Product Specification , Click Here.
(Variable Control Priority with Bump-less Transfer)
TurboNet DASH 1® is an open platform, custom configurable, integrated, DCS structured Turbine Generator Control System designed with the specialized features required for the complex control of modern steam and gas turbines and their Generators. (TurboNet is NOT PLC Based).
Provides remote monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities. The TurboNet CRL option can be installed initially or, added at a later time after the Client's TurboNet DASH 1® installation.
(Cyper Remote Link)
Our Phones are 24/7
The Owner/Operator can change the priority of any control variable at any time on-line based on the operating condition changes that may occur in the plant. Thus, resulting in a bump-less transfer of control modes, so the process or load does not swing as a result of a transfer.
TDS can implement the DAX turbine control with a totalizer based load controller and is capable of holding a constant load or meet an hour ending totalized power generation while still maintaining control over the extraction headers "within limits."
Copyright © 2017 - Turbine Diagnostic Services, Inc.. All rights reserved
13447 Byrd dr., odessa, fl 33556
(727) 375-8700
Fax: (727) 375-8710
24/7 service: (813) 969-0972
Toll Free: (877) 969-0972