Immediate Positions Available - Tampa, FL

Full Time Field Engineers

    Multi-Talented Turbine Generator Engineers
    Mechanical Turbine Engineers

    Opportunities include:
        Project Management & Technical Direction
        Mechanical Turbine Generator Maintenance
        Vibration Analysis & Balancing
        Turbine Controls Troubleshooting & Commissioning
        Generator Controls Troubleshooting & Commissioning

        Education - BSME or BSEE Preferred
        Experience - Significant OEM Turbine Generator Field Service Experience & Training

Full Time Field Foreman


        Experience with industrial rotating equipment

        Understanding of turbine generator assembly and use of standard and specialized tooling

        Possess strong leadership skills

        Capable of leading a crew to make deadlines while maintaining our quality level of work

        Professional and respectful level of skill dealing with workers, contractors and customers

        Understanding of safe work practices

        Adhering to and enforcement of safety guidelines in all tasks

        Qualified rigging skills

        Capable of reading and understanding drawings and technical references

        Position requires travel - driving and/or flying, coast to coast, with last minute scheduling at times

Full and Part Time Turbine Mechanics


        Natural mechanic abilities

        Understanding the use of standard and specialized tooling

        Experience with industrial rotating equipment and secondary systems

        Understanding and application of safe work practices

        Ability to take directions well and execute them accordingly

        Capable of working with a crew in a team effort, cooperatively and productively

        Position requires travel - driving and/or flying, coast to coast, with last minute scheduling at times
